A.K. 47 - Selections from the Works of Alexandra Kollontai

110 - A.K. 47 - Bonus Episode - Kollontai and College Sex - Part 2

October 23, 2022 Kristen R. Ghodsee Season 4 Episode 27

After a three-month hiatus while she dealt with the aftermath of a nasty bout of COVID-19,  Kristen Ghodsee returns for a two-part conversation with her daughter, who is now a junior at her university. These episodes explore questions of contemporary sexual politics on college campuses and whether Kollontai's work on "winged" and "wingless" eros can help to make better sense of the role that "hook-up" culture may or may not play in perpetuating the interests of capital.

Mentioned in these episodes is an infamous 2014 column by a Princeton University mother and the responses it elicited.

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